A New Era
If one were to break up life into multiple chapters, my life has entered a new phase. So much change has taken place over the past year that I cannot help but see this as a new era. Those changes include having my eldest son move away to college, finishing grad school, ending my seven year stint working with computers at University of Chicago, and starting my new counseling career. Most importantly, I regained the sanctity of my home so that I can recharge each night in peace. I feel optimistic that I will make the most of this new era of life. Much of the chapter remains unwritten. I feel excited by the possibilities and different directions that I can go. I have faith that I can create a life filled with joy, connection, and growth. I am sure that challenges will arise and that I will take them in stride or freak out temporarily until I move through them. My goal is to refine my beliefs and perspectives and define what the eternal goddess and god mean to me. I cannot wait to s...