Random thought in the Dark of Night
Tonight was one of those nights when I was riding my bike down the dark streets of suburbia and I thought to myself, "screw being good." I spent much of my life trying to be a nice person. The includes saying nice things to other people, helping out whenever I can, and taking the high road whenever possible. It doesn't seem to get me much. I've made some friends, which is a plus. Some friends like to talk a lot and I listen. Other friends will listen to me rant about this, that or the other. The point is, if I'm going to stick to this whole good vs. evil paradigm, why not choose evil for awhile. I do not mean evil in a "hurt people or other creatures" kind of way. People will get hurt when I am nice or mean. By evil, I mean embracing the physical world and all it has to offer. Eat good food, enjoy nice possessions, and engage in gratuitous sex. It sounds alright to me. I realize that all the rules that I have in my head were handed down from my parents, teachers, and society as a whole. I can pick what works for me and what does not. There are no universal truths. That is superstitious hogwash if you ask me. This post is not quite as elegant as some of my previous posts. It's more of a collection of thoughts that run through me head in the dark of night. Summer is leaving and fall will soon approach. I love summer and can do without the other three seasons. I'm an idealist in that way. Signing out.
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