What Do Unitarian Universalists believe to be true?
I do not pretent to speak for all Unitarian Universalists (UU's). I want to learn what UU's have in common and see where I fit in to that picture. My ispiration for this post is a sermon that I heard a few weeks back by a former member of our congregation (she has since moved to a different UU congregation).
It's easy to talk about what I don't believe. There are a number of miracles in the Bible and other religious texts that may have metaphoric meanings. For example, Jesus may have resurrected Lazarus from a spiritual death, but not a biological death. As much as I like zombie's, I'm not buying it. I also have a problem with blindly accepting what other authorities claim to be the truth. Just because you have a white collar around your kneck, it doesn't mean that you're insights into spiritual truths are any more or less valid than my own. I appreciate the education that priests and ministers go through. I can seek my own education to, thank you very much.
It's easy to talk about what I don't believe. There are a number of miracles in the Bible and other religious texts that may have metaphoric meanings. For example, Jesus may have resurrected Lazarus from a spiritual death, but not a biological death. As much as I like zombie's, I'm not buying it. I also have a problem with blindly accepting what other authorities claim to be the truth. Just because you have a white collar around your kneck, it doesn't mean that you're insights into spiritual truths are any more or less valid than my own. I appreciate the education that priests and ministers go through. I can seek my own education to, thank you very much.
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